Taylor, MI: 10 Easy Winter Prep Tips


Winter Prep Tips

This winter be prepared with these furnace winter prep maintenance tips.

  1. Our best winter prep tips include first getting your furnace cleaned and checked. Having an Expert technician inspect your furnace ensures that your system is clean and in top shape. This helps not only with bills but your levels of comfort for the winter. Don’t forget to change your filters!
  2. Draft proof your windows and doors. Use a lining of insulating film on the inside of your windows. Insulation film kits are available at most local hardware stores located Downriver. To draft proof your doors ad weather-stripping or a foam tape underneath to block out cold air from getting under.
  3. Switch the rotation of your ceiling blade. When your ceiling fan runs clockwise it will push down any warm down towards the ground. If you have a remote-controlled fan there may setting to switch over. If not, a ladder may be required to switch over on the fan itself.
  4. Drink and heat warm fluids and meals. A crockpot is a great investment for winter months, just throw everything into the crockpot when you leave for work, when you arrive back home several hours you will have a warm cooked meal. Winter prep stocking up on warm drinks such as tea and hot cocoa is always a delicious way to treat yourself and warm up.
  5. Be ready for when the first big snowfall arrives. Purchase ice melt for your sidewalks and driveway, make sure the shovels are in the garage, and the snow blower is working and gassed up. Pro tip: spray your shovel with silicone-based lubricant or nonstick cooking spray. Now when you shovel the snow won’t stick!
  6. If you have a chimney make sure it receives a proper cleaning and inspection. If you don’t use your fireplace often make sure the flues are closed tightly so that there is no extra cold air leaking through. If you actively use your fireplace make sure to stock up on wood!
  7. Trim the branches and winter prep  around the outside of your home. Dead branches fall very easily especially during high wind or heavy snow storms. Removing hazardous branches from the outside will prevent them from falling on to your home and causing any extra problems.
  8. Keep your body warm by dressing appropriately and having blankets readily available. Take out all of winter clothing suck as boots, jackets, socks, mittens, and hats. Make sure to keep slippers on a blanket handy when hanging out inside.
  9. In case of a heavy winter storm, make sure you’re ready in case you get snowed in. Make sure to have extra non-perishable food items, extra lights such as flashlights and candles, and extra water bottles. Collect games and books to use for entertainment as well.
  10. Check your roof and gutters. Clear all debris from inside the gutters and on top of the roof, debris can hold moisture which can result in rotting or mold which can break down your roofing material. During heavy snowfall you want to make sure your gutters and roof can withstand the amount. With these simple winter prep steps you can save yourself work later on.




Bonus Tip! Don’t forget to go outside and enjoy winter. Fun winter activities can include sledding, ice skating outside, building snow forts, having snowball fights, or just enjoying a snowy wintery walk in a park or forest.